
Auto-complete management with jQuery Download


Obvious install with bower

$ bower install kompleter --save

How to use ?

In your HTML page, between <head> tags, import CSS code from css/kompleter.css

<link href="css/kompleter.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />

Next, import JavaScript files js/jquery.min.js and js/jquery.kompleter.min.js :

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.kompleter.min.js"></script>

Puts the following HTML code in your page, where you will place your input, and replace data attributes values with your own values :

<input type="text" id="auto-complete" class="input--search" autocomplete="off" data-url="" data-filter-on="" data-fields="" />

Finally, initialize the plugin at DOM ready :

$(document).ready(function() {


Parameter Type Definition Values Default
animation string Animation type used to show / hide the result set 'fade'|'slide'|'none' 'fade'
animationSpeed int Animation speed to display results * 350
begin boolean Check from the begin of expression if true, on whole word if false true|false true
onChar int Number of chars to put before request firing * 2
maxResults int Number of max results to display * 10
beforeDisplay function Callback fired before display result function function(e, dataset) { }
afterDisplay function Callback fired after display result function function(e, dataset) { }
beforeFocus function Callback fired before focus on one result item function function(e, element) { }
afterFocus function Callback fired after focus on one result item function function(e, element) { }
beforeComplete function Callback fired before completion of input function function(e, dataset, element) { }
afterComplete function Callback fired after completion of input function function(e, dataset, element) { }